24 05, 2017

Pack Your Lunch for Health and Financial Benefits

By |2018-05-22T11:35:47-07:00May 24th, 2017|Education|

You’ve heard it before but it’s worth repeating—packing your lunch saves you money and can be healthier than buying your midday meal daily. Celebrate National Brown-Bag-It day on May 25th by making a commitment to pack your lunch (and snacks) a few days a week. Sure, it can be tough at times to plan ahead and …

2 05, 2017

Should You Eat Before Working Out?

By |2018-05-08T14:21:55-07:00May 2nd, 2017|Education|

New research says that fasted exercise might help you use more stored fat.

You’ve probably heard fitness friends mention running in the morning before breakfast and doing “fasted cardio” to help with fat burning, but were skeptical about whether this worked for fat loss.

New research published in the American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology & Metabolism looked …