13 12, 2017

PODCAST • Wellness Force Radio

By |2018-05-08T14:12:02-07:00December 13th, 2017|Education, Podcast|

LEVL Clinical Scientist Dr. Joe Anderson and Andrea Duchonovic, LEVL Territory Account Manager share with Josh Trent of Wellness Force how LEVL is changing the way you track your ketone levels.

“We all have a different body and metabolism that can change from day to day. LEVL allows you to take measurements throughout …

7 12, 2017

What you need to know about Whole30

By |2018-05-08T14:12:24-07:00December 7th, 2017|Education|

The Whole30® Program started with a diet book that launched in 2009, The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom. This elimination diet program was created by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig and is sometimes described as a “clean” eating plan.

Followers of Whole30 taut its benefits as weight loss, clearer …