20 02, 2018

“Clean” Foods That Cause Belly Bloat

By |2018-05-08T14:10:59-07:00February 20th, 2018|Education|

When you’re eating a clean diet, you eliminated junk food, processed foods, and sugary drinks, of course. But there are a number of healthy foods that could be the reason why your pants are tight at the end of the day and you feel bloated.

Some of these good-for-you foods are on Paleo and

14 02, 2018


By |2018-05-08T14:11:10-07:00February 14th, 2018|Success Stories|

LEVLpro customer, Dr. Jantz shares his experience incorporating the LEVL device into his mental health treatment facility. Through nutrition, exercise and sleep, he teaches his patients the power of a state of ketosis.


As the founder of a mental health treatment facility, I constantly look for ways to improve the overall health and wellness of our …