LEVLpro customer, Dr. Jantz shares his experience incorporating the LEVL device into his mental health treatment facility. Through nutrition, exercise and sleep, he teaches his patients the power of a state of ketosis.


As the founder of a mental health treatment facility, I constantly look for ways to improve the overall health and wellness of our clients. Those “ways” frequently involve new learnings based on treatment approaches, and they also involve the use of latest technologies. For thirty years, we have implemented a dedicated whole person care approach to treatment. That approach looks at the entire person – their mind, body, and spirit. We knew that we needed to address each of those core components of wellness to achieve lasting results.

For decades, most treatment focused on the mind – understanding why someone might be experiencing severe depression, then helping them work through past life issues while teaching tools and techniques to better handle depressive episodes. While our facility The Center • A Place of HOPE has always also focused on strengthening and nurturing the body through proper diet, quality supplements and probiotics, exercise and restorative sleep, we generally took an outside-in approach.

Over the past few years, new technologies have enabled us to provide enhanced care to our clients. One of the most exciting new devices that we are now using at our facility is LEVL.


Many of our clients exacerbate their mental health challenges with poor diet, being overweight, poor exercise and poor sleep. If they could simply breath into a handheld device about the size of a small mobile phone, they could learn how exercise and diet could improve their ability to burn fat.

As I researched ketosis, I discovered recent scientific studies show burning fat (ketosis) can not only aid in weight loss, but improve brain function in Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, support tumor regression, reduce epileptic episode, and help reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Multiple diseases are shown to respond to elevated levels of ketone bodies. These diseases are some of the most challenging we face in healthcare. They include those caused by an inability to convert carbohydrates to energy (brain dysfunction), those caused by elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) characteristic of cancer and inflammation, and those caused by heightened insulin and blood glucose (cancer and diabetes).

We know that clients who have health issues, or whose body is struggling to maintain glucose levels, convert carbohydrates and maintain acceptable ROS levels are going to be in a continual state of discomfort. Their body will never be “in sync” with them. They will be tired, irritable and sick more often. Those are all byproducts of depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health issues.

At The Center, our mindset was, if we can improve a client’s acetone levels, we may be able to significantly improve the “body” portion of their whole person care.


Before we committed to incorporating LEVL into our treatment regimen, I needed to go through the program myself. I wanted to see firsthand how this technology, the device and the results could translate into improved knowledge and, indeed, improved health for our clients.

I committed to a dedicated four week program where I would measure acetone levels every day. I committed to eat well, but did not completely avoid desserts as I wanted to see a realistic scenario. I did commit to fitness, but again, not so extensively that it would be outside of a normal fitness-focused month for me.

What I quickly noticed was that my body was indeed very sensitive to my diet and my exercise regimen. I recall eating a piece of chocolate cake at a party in the second week and, wow, did my acetone level drop. And not just for a few hours. If was lower for two days, even though I worked out and ate salads the next day!

Amazingly, I lost 17.5 pounds in the first 28 days. I expected to lose a few pounds, but was astonished to see the weight come off based primarily on my “inside out” knowledge of how my body was reacting to food and exercise. I found myself more committed to maintaining strong levels and knew that avoiding sugars and processed food which also keeping a consistent exercise program would keep me there.

The information I was receiving about my body was motivating me to make better decisions about what I ate, and how often I exercised. Over the following three months, I lost an additional 7.5 pounds for a total of 24. Not surprisingly, I feel a lot better. I had not realized how in a not-feeling-as-well-as-I-wanted position I was until I went through the program.

Other volunteer members of our staff had similar reactions and results. We were impressed and felt the program was exactly what our clients needed to gain more knowledge about their body, and to have a motivating tool to help them work toward a more optimum state of wellness. We are now fully invested in the program and each of our clients has the option to participate. We are pleased that virtually all are involved. It is simple to use, easy and quick to get results, and easy to track changes over time. Clients look forward to seeing their progress and discuss how their preceding 24 hour diet, sleep and exercise has impacted their readings.

We are seeing real results. Clients are excited, are losing weight, and are feeling more empowered about their health. As a health practitioner who is always looking for ways to improve care, we believe LEVL is as strong a game changer as we have incorporated in the last twenty years at our facility.