A simple breath into the LEVL breath pod gives you a 24 hour snapshot of how your wellness choices are affecting your fat metabolism and state of ketosis.


Drop the breath pod into the device to start the analysis and results are delivered in 15 seconds.


Personalized insights are displayed on the optional app giving you the feedback necessary to adjust your wellness routine for optimal fat loss.

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The best thing about LEVL for me is getting that daily moment of YAY! that the scale has never given me.

April M.

LEVL has proven to be on the cutting edge of breath ketone testing providing not only the cool factor, but also the accuracy and reliability that is a must in health testing devices. LEVL is by far the easiest, most accurate, and technologically advanced breath ketone analyzer I’ve ever seen!

I believe the ketogenic diet has played a major role in my beating the odds of a terminal cancer diagnosis. The critical part is being in this amazing zone to reap its many benefits. I’ve tried multiple ways over two years and nothing is as easy or more accurate. LEVL is an incredible product to provide a quick, simple and accurate measurement to make sure I’m maintaining an elevated state of ketosis. LEVL literally gives me peace of mind!

Jeff S.

This is how you can find out at any given point during the day, with extreme ease, and no finger bleeding, whether or not you are in a fat burning stage (what some of us call ketosis). I’ve been using this very, very cool little device for months now and after comparing its results with my blood measurements I have to say, I am impressed.

Ben Greenfield, Ben Greenfield Fitness

Before LEVL, I didn’t know the best approach to weight loss for me. Now, I can easily test daily to see how everything I do effects my personal fat burn. Thank you LEVL!

Joy H.

This device measures not only your level of nutritional ketosis, but also real time levels of cyclical fat burning through acetone. LEVL gave me greater mindfulness to adjust my sleep and lifestyle stressors so I could stay in a fat burning state rather than burning just carbs and sugars.

Josh Trent, Wellness Force


The LEVLhome device provides you with personalized insights on the effectiveness of your health and wellness choices from the comfort of your home.

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The LEVLpro device provides health and wellness professionals with valuable and personalized insights that will enhance their services to improve client outcomes.

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